
Site: Benalmádena is a city in the Costa del Sol region of Andalusia, Spain, with ~68,000 inhabitants, peaking up to 200,000 in the holiday season. Several residential buildings around Paloma Park – one of the biggest and most ecologically valuable urban parks in the EU with ~68,000 m2 – are equipped with greywater separation.

Situation: Benalmádena has an interesting location to research residential greywater treatment and reclamation, given the number of residential buildings with greywater separation, integrating the treatment in very valuable urban surroundings.

Solution: Greywater separation will allow to test nature-based solutions technologies such as green walls and vegetable rooftops. The NICE project has allowed for the testing of a pilot plant with a treatment capacity of 2 m3/d greywater.

The NICE Urban Real Labs are ideal test beds for nature-based solutions for circular urban water solutions, as they have varied geographical, environmental and socioeconomic characteristics.

The Urban Real Labs cover a wide range of climate zones: tropical and subtropical (Pereira and Turin), Mediterranean (Talavera, Algeciras, Benalmádena, Lyon, Cairo), transition climate with extreme temperatures (Madrid), oceanic (Vigo, Aarhus), and Baltic (Gdansk).


European Union

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.101003765.