
Site: Metropolitan area of Centro Occidente, in Colombia, with >700,000 inhabitants.

Situation: Colombia needs innovative and cost-effective urban wastewater treatment, because many municipalities do not have any. In addition, river basin restoration is crucial in Colombia, due to its ecological value and use as a main source of potable water. NICE will contribute to improving water quality of rivers in Pereira, namely Otún River.

Solution: Two hybrid subsurface wetland pilots to treat 2 m3/d of wastewater and 10 m3/d of river water.

The NICE Urban Real Labs are ideal test beds for nature-based solutions for circular urban water solutions, as they have varied geographical, environmental and socioeconomic characteristics.

The Urban Real Labs cover a wide range of climate zones: tropical and subtropical (Pereira and Turin), Mediterranean (Talavera, Algeciras, Benalmádena, Lyon, Cairo), transition climate with extreme temperatures (Madrid), oceanic (Vigo, Aarhus), and Baltic (Gdansk).


European Union

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No.101003765.